Tips to Help Your Child Make Friends at Summer Day Camp

19 February 2024
 Categories: , Blog


Summer day camps are an excellent way to make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun in the sun. However, for some children, making friends at camp can be a daunting task. As a parent, you want your child to have the best possible experience at summer camp. You want your child to make friends, feel included, and have fun. Today's blog post will share some things you can do to help your child make friends at a summer day camp.

Help Your Child Prepare
Before camp starts, talk to your child about the importance of making friends at camp. Role-play social situations that they can expect to encounter. Encourage them to ask other children questions about their interests and to share their own interests. Teach them to be kind, respectful, and polite.

Encourage Team Sports
Encouraging your child to participate in team sports is a great way to help them make new friends. Team sports provide an opportunity for children to interact, work together, and build relationships based on a shared interest. Team sports also boost your child's self-confidence and sense of belonging.

Find Common Interests
Most children bond over common interests. Help your child find other children who share their interests, whether it's art, music, or sports. Encourage them to talk about their hobbies and interests. This can help create a foundation for friendships.

Encourage Your Child to Branch Out
Encourage your child to try new things and to make an effort to get to know other children. This can be a challenge for shy children, but it encourages them to step out of their comfort zone. Remind them that everyone is at camp to have fun and make new friends.

Stay Involved
Stay involved in your child's camp experience. Make an effort to attend any events or performances. Get to know the counselors and other parents. This will not only help your child feel supported, but it will also help you stay informed about your child's experiences.

Summer camp provides an opportunity for children to make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun. Although making friends can be a challenging aspect of the experience, there are ways to help your child make friends at a summer day camp. Encourage your child to prepare for camp, participate in team sports, find common interests, branch out, and stay involved. With these tips, your child will be well on their way to having a fantastic summer camp experience filled with new friendships and lots of fun.

Contact a camp such as Oak Crest Day Camp to learn more.